I've been unusually busy the last few days and have gotten to bed late at night two nights in a row. Its been a real fun couple of days with a heavy social schedule and some very interesting people and places. So I was a little tired this morning, but not like a tired that makes me grumpy, but more like a tired of blissed surrender. Sometimes I get obsessed with planning what I'm going to teach in class, and lately its been an inside joke to myself because planning just goes so far. Teaching is becoming more and more in the moment, but nonetheless it challenges my issues of rigidity and control.
I'm a homework kind of gal. I find comfort in being prepared. But this morning when my head started with the yadayadayada and the mild panic of 'what are we going to DO during class this morning' started up, I was too tired to give the mild anxiety any energy. I sketched out the class in broad strokes, and went with the flow of who showed up and filled in the blanks as we went.
I'd like to say that my ability to be spontaneous is in tune, but in all honesty I think that sleep deprivation had more to do it with today. Oh well, at least I got to a sense of surrender somehow. And it felt VERY cool.
Om Namo Gurudev Namo
roll back on bolster breath awareness
opening the heart
balasana with side stretch
1/4 dog
toe torture
toe stand
shoulder openers with strap
side waist stretch with strap
lunge salutes with hip openers
lower to sphinx/seal
bow play
warrior 1
peaceful warrior
side angle pose
other side
camel play
YAM in between
seated spine twist
heart soothing breath and meditation
'To Thine own self be True'
supported savasana
gratitude awareness