Monday, January 10, 2011

Peaceful, Easy Feeling. Prototypes Women's Center. 1.10.11

There were many new faces in the room today and a distinct feeling of nervous anxiety and a lot of subtle, but certain 'who are you? and, are you safe?' looks. Two would not even come down to the mat to start. I lost a few more in the standing poses, but then they all came to the mat when we returned down to the floor. It took a while to establish trust but we got there eventually! Using words like 'you perhaps may feel', 'its possible that', 'breath into where you feel it', 'you may notice..or not'....really helps, as does not engaging in negative energy when 'tested' or pushing back.

Sutra 1.2 was introduced. We played with noticing vrittis, and that there were less of them after class, and why that was significant as a recovering person. There were many offerings of 'choice of ease' during our session. They took their time gathering their things after class and calmly departed the room.

Supine legs straight
supine bent knees

choose the most comfortable
3 breaths

eye of the needle

sukasana side bending


catcher's arms

warrior II
wide leg forward fold
warrior II other side

forward fold

malasana (one of the vrittis shouted out by one of the jeans are too tight!!!!)
we laughed!!!

trikonasana with forward fold sequence

little tree
tree variation

supine windshield wiper


spine 4 part breath exercise
focus on bottom of exhale



1:1 sign out papers

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