Monday, October 4, 2010

Prototypes Women's Center. The attack of the vrittis. 10.4.10

We were going on one direction when, at the first forward fold I heard, "I can't do this. I'm FAT". Then someone said, "I wish I could be happy and have white teeth like you". I stopped the asana practice and asked them to take a comfortable seat.

When I asked what other people were thinking, everything from pending court cases to hating yoga class to what's for dinner came up. it was a teachable moment to introduce the vrittis, and sutra 1.2. We've come at it before, but today, perhaps because it came from them, it felt like it took on a new understanding. After a discussion, we did a bit more moving, and by the end of class, everybody sat in a 3 minute meditation...absolutely silent and still, and, as one woman, put it, "a little less freaked out by the vrittis".

supine belly tug and internal organ map

(it was chilly in the room)
tibetan HA breath

crazy eights

1/2 sun salute

sukasana (discussion)

sukasana side extension with side bending
other side

hip/pelvis rotation

warrior II
forward fold
malasana with cowboy negociation


sit-3 min

1:1 sign papers

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