There was a large group today, and the mood was rowdy. It took a while to settle in, and when the yoga began to sink in a bit, the frantic energetic level dropped. I have some ideas of the why's and hows, but its less important to me at the moment. What interests me and continues to draw me in the most, is simply that it DOES.
We played with the 'meaning' of yoga as connection. Just telling the women that the root of yoga is 'yuj', meaning to yoke or connect, left them with one big yawn. It wasn't until we did some exercises directly feeling the subtle energy did it start to come alive. We also enlivened the theory by asking, 'why do you think the yogis had an emphasis on connection? What does it mean to you to be connected? Why might it be important to be connected? How does this (or not) play into recovery from substance abuse?
And we did some gentle poses too! Today was a 50/50 combination of interaction, and introspection.
check in with names and a feeling word (I am feeling...)
pranayama feeling the breath in the collarbones, belly, low belly
notice! Do you feel different that when you walked in?
standing shoulder openers
forward fold yogi scientist experiment
toe torture
arch torture
forward fold
easy lunge salutes
lunge salutes with cresent pose
locust variation
windshield wiper
bridge x2
Silent question: What do you feel most connected to right now?
Sharing: Some of the answers were: my butt on the earth, my kids, my feeling calm, and one said, "I don't understand, what do you mean by connection?" Note to self..let's take another run at this next class..
1:1 sign papers
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