Monday, August 15, 2011

Prototypes Women's Center: Brain, Addiction and Recovery: This is your brain on drugs: 8.15.11

Today's class was generally a repeat from last week. I feel repetition of these lessons is generally a good idea as it takes a while for it to stick. Today there were many new faces today and a very crowded room. There was a general sluggishness in the air. This can be a tough gig since it is the first group after lunch. Sheer enthusiasm for the subject on my part was helpful, as was using women as models for parts of the brain. Another technique to encourage participation was to repeat back some of the "fancy" words like "neuron", "neurotransmitters", "parasympathetic"...

There were many questions asked during the demonstration. I think it was a good sign!

Check in with name, favorite color, and 'm' word to describe how you feel.

Discussion of how we feel. What are feelings? What are emotions? Why might it be useful to understand neuroscience as it relates to addiction recovery?

Human model of the brain on drugs

Human model of central nervous system, SNS, and PSN.

Human model of vagus nerve and breath

Homework: if you become stressed in the next week, take 3 deep breaths and report what happens.

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