Monday, August 15, 2011

Prototypes Women's Center: Kleshas and freedom. 8.15.11

Today's class does not rank highly in the 'most fun class to teach' category. A good 3/4 of the people did not want to participate, accompanied by a litany of excuses, "I don't feel good, I'm tired, I can't do it, I was in a car wreck last year, its hot, there's not enough room". It is somewhat hard for me to be commanding with these women, as I have said these things to myself many times over the past decade of practicing yoga (except the car crash part).

Usually a bit of movement gets the women to jump into the class. But not today. When we came up to standing, only half stood up. It was like a showdown at OK corral. The women on the floor glaring and the women who were standing nervously wondering how I was going to respond. Eventually I got to 90%, chose my battles and moved on.

I've finally started actually teaching the kleshas and have been practicing teaching them at Lulu's. I was so excited today to offer it to Prototypes. Although I 've known this since I've been teaching to recovering peeps, teaching at a treatment center and in a yoga studio are vastly different worlds. It wasn't working very well because so much attention in the center is directed towards how it feels, what is happening in the body, and there is much effort in holding a safe place both mentally and emotionally. In the treatment center generally one does not have the luxury of long (ish) philosophical discussions. I have to find a more rapid delivery system, sort of a crib sheet or cliff notes version. So that's my homework.

And it feels really hard to figure out, so I think I will ask for help from my teacher Kira.

windshield wipers
eye of the needle, resting between sides.
Putting words to 'how it feels'. One women said "free", so I picked this up for a theme.

guitar hero

warrior II dance
other side

forward fold


supine pranayama
gratitude meditation

reverse windshield wiper

easy twist


circle: continued discussion of the kleshas and freedom.


1:1 sign papers

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