The group voted to continue our practice into another 5 week session. We will resume after the holidays, the first Thursday morning at 7:15 AM. There is discussion on what meditation book to use as our reading as we have finished the chapter on Step 11 in the 12 x 12. There is also some discussion about starting the class at 7AM. Stay tuned to Lulu Bandha's site for more information.
I am grateful for this sangha and this practice.
We started using Erich Shiffman's bell from "I meditate with Erich" iphone app. Was cool to not have to monitor the clock and fully drop into meditation. (Thanks John!)
Windshield wiper
Baddha konasana forward fold
seated janushirsana with twist and side bend
other side
wide leg forward fold
reading from 12 x 12
Set Aside Prayer
2 minute (or so) meditation
Love that Bell!!