Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prototypes Treatment Center 3.15.10

I find check-ins are good at the beginning of sessions. It is a technique used in most of the group counseling sessions and I like it for two reasons. One, it is a good practice for the women to touch down with what they are feeling as well as verbalize what's happening on the inside and out, and second it is a good barometer for how to structure the practice and what to talk about. Kinda like a cheat sheet to guide me to what to teach.

Today before check in a few women were NOT into being there. Arms crossed, no eye contact, I'm becoming familiar with resistance in its many forms from this group. I thought it would be good to roll with resistace today so I asked in check in to say how they were feeling and what they did or did NOT like about yoga. I think giving a 'permission' to NOT like yoga was useful. The exercise confirmed my hunch that they don't like the practice primarly because they don't like their bodies on a physical plane. This is a tricky but key issue in recovery, especially with issues such as eating disorders, physical and sexual abuse, nutrition and self care.

Some of the girls who have been coming for a while said they used to hate yoga but they were now starting to like it because they liked feeling from the inside out. On those days when I want to give up because I think, 'what's the use?', I will remember this.

We did a more flow-y vinyasa that we've done in a long time today. Moving felt good today.

Check in

supine uttita tadasana shoulder awareness

teeter totter side bending

forward fold

other side

shoulder rotation
uttita tadasana

easy lunge salutes

warrior II dance both sides

warrior II
side angle


other side

bridge x2

easy spine twist


sign out 1:1

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