Monday, March 29, 2010

Prototypes Treatment Center 3.29.10

Just before our session, one of the women decided she no longer wanted to be in the Prototypes program, and opted to leave treatment. Movement like this upsets the apple cart. Most of the other women were adversely affected..disappointed, scared, angry. A lot of tears, a lot of anger, a lot of distress. I suspect this is highly triggering to women on a subconscious level...the loss of hope, of loosing one of their own. For some of these women, a return to the streets is tantamount to a death sentence. It causes most everybody, myself included, to take a good look at the insidious tug of addiction and an honest look at their own relationship to it.

Leading yoga under these conditions was a challenge. A few of the women were totally defiant and sat in chairs and refused to participate. I didn't make a federal case about it in class, but afterwards told them that was unacceptable behavior and next time they will be kicked out of group. I'm learning how to deal with powerplays and boundary issues.

The majority, however, chose to participate. When there is a lot of tension in the house, I've learned to keep them in their bodies and out of their heads as much as possible. I used a more commanding tone than normal, kept them focused on their own mat, cued deep breathing often, and kept it flowing. This seemed to be effective today.

Check in

easy forward bending
other side

easy side bending
table top
other side

cowboy negotiation
uttanasana with opposite bending knees

uttitha tadasana

shoulder shrugs

shoulder rotation with swamp monster and hallelujah

1/4 sun 5 x
1/2 sun

easy lunge salutes

lunge salutes with sphinx/seal
other side with cobra, locust

catcher's arms

flow to floor
bow play

bridge x2

sacrum rest

guided meditation

savasana (brief)

Namaste! (They stayed still and quiet for Namaste!!)

1:1 sign out

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