Monday, June 6, 2011

Prototypes Women's Center: Brain, Addiction, and Recovery. 6.6.11

The house is full and we had a packed class today. I'd thought I'd teach the kleshas, but I let what come up in the check in today be the topic for the class since there were many new faces and quite a lot going on!

Check in with one 'shiny' word in your recovery. Many routes to go here but one interesting thread was how (via Brene Brown) numbing goes both ways..towards masking pain and discomfort as well joy, happiness, serenity. Recovery is the capacitiy to hold both ends of the spectrum.

Sutra 1.12 a tranquil mind is equal parts effort and surrender.

The check in took a while and at the end the women were sleepy and slighly bored. Tough gig after lunch.

So we all stood up and did Crazy 8's.

Noticing feeling a bit more awake and alive. We talked about effort and showing up.

The we talked about the seeming opposite of surrender.

Talked about the experience of doing both at the same time.
Question of will came up, and why we practice interernal awareness because its all about how it feels.

Many times is was brought up about how bad they feel about themselves..lot of self hate and shame (not their words, but what was being expressed).

We recallted the notion of avidya and spoke how this is a case of avidya.

We closed with one positive thing about ourselves and I assigned 'homework' to make a list of 10 things to bring to class next week.

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