Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Restorative Yoga. Quiet Time. 6.22.10

I knew about teaching this class about 1 minute before I stepped into the studio. I really had to check my stuff because part of me was anxious about spontaneously teaching a class I don't often teach. I wondered if my TT with Alana would come back...and it did! (Kudos to Alana's restorative training!).

Class wasn't 'perfect', but what class is? On the other hand, what class is not, if you offer yourself fully as a teacher?

Watering the Heart
Side lying rest pose

Restorative Childs Pose
wide leg side bending

Supta Baddha Konasana
side lying rest pose

windshield wiper
Restorative Forward Twist

windshield wiper
Supported Savasana


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