Monday, April 25, 2011

Brain and Addiction: 8 limbs. 4.25.11

The Easter weekend was the big buzz around the house so we started with a check in about the weekend:

Check in with a word to describe how Easter felt.

What do these feeling words have to do with the brain and recovery?
perception and awareness

How does the brain and emotions work?

Yoga Chitti Vrittis Nirodahah-sutra 1.2

A map for the emotions: Yamas and Niyamas

Intro to eight limb path to give context. It was rocky. Got stuck in pratyahara. But we made it through, although a few were challenging me, a few were blank, a few were interested, and a few fell closed their eyes and folded their arms. I think the sanscrit is way to foreign. Perhaps introducing the concept first, and then saying..."and the yogi's call this..." might be a better approach.

I feel the yamas and niyamas could be of assistance so I'll continue to offer this information. When I first stared the 4 agreements, I had equally difficult time, and today they are common language. I have hope for the yamas and niyamas.

My teachers encourage me to start somewhere. So today, we started.

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