Monday, November 2, 2009

Prototypes Treatment Center 11.02.09

I think it is effective to repeat many of the same poses in each of the classes at this facility; it alleviates the 'wierdness' and makes exploring one's relationship to their own body less spooky. Many of the women here have a history of sexual and physical trauma and it has been a long and slow process to create a vibe of safety.  I'm noticing each week the class becomes more grounded. 

I believe it takes time to begin to heal body trauma. Time, consistency, gentleness, patience, ease, careful movement, trust; behind the yoga is a lot of therapy during the week, of course. Healing in this realm is not a quick process, but I am sure that yoga helps; I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I was bombarded with yoga questions before we began today. I find this terrifically exciting because many of the girls are starting to show an increased interest in the practice. We started in savasana so I could address some of the questions before we began to move. The questions dictated the direction of the practice; I really felt today we all worked together. 

Supine savasana

Windshield wiper

Eye of the needle 

spine flex/extension
forward fold
table top
other side

side bending


breath awareness; ujaii breathing
1/4 suns
1/2 suns

catcher's arm shoulder rotation (a peep renamed it 'bowling')
limb shake
other side

Warrior II dance
forward fold
other side

windshield wiper
sacrum rest
back of the heart landing


sit (this was the hardest posture today....)

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