Monday, November 23, 2009

Prototypes Treatment Center 11.23.09

Building on our discussion of subtle energy from last week, we had a long discussion about addiction as a prana deficiency syndrome. This idea was presented at the Yoga for Recovery retreat at the Sivananda Ashram by Durga. We talked about the five senses as gateways to prana and charted each sense with its corresponding sense organ, potential pitfalls for losing prana in each, as well as building. I'd hoped to do about 15 mins of asana but we only had  time for side bending (an experential exercise in increasing prana in the sense of touch (sense organ, the skin). We closed with each participant naming one way in which they could increase their prana. Some of the tools mentioned were pausing before responding when angry, sharing stories in group or AA, enjoying the sunset, smelling the ocean, walk away from gossip, meditation, take a walk in nature, smelling the roses.

These techinques are often presented in addictive disorder counseling as 'safe coping' skills; it was fun to introduce them from a yogic sounds less clinical (in my opinion). 

The idea for this yoga counseling session was prompted by K's class this morning about muladara bandha and leaking prana. I don't believe peeps are ready for the bandha instruction but had a hit they would enjoy an introduction to prana and how to affect it.

During class the girls  lent me a book called "Were all doing Time" by Bo Lozoff. "Its a prison book", they said, "that talks about all this stuff you talk about. I am reminded of the welcome card from the Crib that said "we are all here to help each other" and think working with the Prototypes girls is pretty darn cool.

Prana discussion
Charting prana with senses and real world examples
Sukasana side bending
Name one prana increasing activity that you would use (really!)

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